CS155: Computer and Network Security

Computer and Network Security

Spring 2024

The course covers principles of building secure systems. Many hands-on examples during the course will show how things go wrong when these principles are not followed.


Course syllabus (and readings)
Course overview (grading, textbooks, coursework, exams)
Lectures: Monday and Wednesday, 1:30–2:50. Bishop Aud.
Sections: Friday, 11:30 - 12:20 PM.   Location: 200-205.
CA mailing list: cs155ta@cs

Course announcements will be made via Ed Discussions. All non-sensitive questions/concerns should be asked through that dicussion board. Regrade requests should be made through Gradescope. Sensitive questions and OAE letters should be sent to the CA mailing list.

Final Exam

The take home final exam is scheduled for Monday June 10 and will be administered remotely over Gradescope. Students can take the exam during any three hour window between 6AM PT on June 10 and 5:59AM on June 11. SCPD students will take the final exam through Gradescope as well.

Here are sample final exams from previous years. These are intended for practice only and need not be turned in.

2024, 2023, 2022, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013.

Homework and Projects

All homework submission is to be done via Gradescope. Please use course code 5JE2KR to sign up. Note: Gradescope requires that the solution to every problem start on a new page.

Project #1:   Control hijacking.  
Due: Part 1: Thursday, April 11.    Part 2: Thursday, April 18.
Homework #1:   Available Here
Due: Thursday, Apr. 25, 11:59pm
Project #2:   Web Security.
Due: Part 1: Thursday, May 9.    Part 2: Thursday, May 16.
Homework #2:   Available Here
Due: Thursday, May 23, 11:59pm
Project #3:   Network Security.  
Due: Part 1: Friday, May 31.    Part 2: Friday, June 7.

Course Calendar

Lecture recordings

Video cameras located in the back of the room will capture the instructor presentations in this course. For your convenience, you can access these recordings by logging into the course Canvas site. These recordings might be reused in other Stanford courses, viewed by other Stanford students, faculty, or staff, or used for other education and research purposes. Note that while the cameras are positioned with the intention of recording only the instructor, occasionally a part of your image or voice might be incidentally captured. If you have questions, please contact a member of the teaching team.